Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Torquigener albomaculosus pufferfish - The Psychedelic Mushroom Taking Euclidian Scholar Pufferfish

Scientists were dumbfounded by intricate circles with geometric designs about six feet in diameter found on the seafloor off the coast of Amami-ƌshima Island in Japan. This is in itself super neat because that meant people would have to go on neat adventures to discover the culprits.  

In the last few years scientists discovered a new species of pufferfish, Torquigener albomaculosus, was responsible for these mystical underwater hippy designs.  It turns out males search far and wide for psychedelic sea mushrooms, talk about concepts such as time, space and the best way to eat Oreo cookies with there hommies and then construct the circles as spawning nests by swimming and wiggling in the seafloor sand. The nests, used only once, are made to attract females. The nests have double edges and radiating troughs in a spoke-like geometry. The designed ridges and grooves of the circle serve to minimize ocean current at the center of the nest which protects the eggs from the turbulent waters and possibly predators too.  Wow, this newly discovered species of pufferfish are clearly Euclidian scholars and super neat!   If only psychedelic sea mushrooms existed.  

Here's a video showing them creating some of their underwater designs:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOGvVn7IWVY

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