Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Spirit Bear

There is so much freakin' neatness in the NAOTW this week!  The Spirit Bear or the Kermode Bear is literally an inside-out Oreo: black on the inside, white on the outside. The Spirit Bear is like "Free Willy" Michael Jackson not "ABC" Michael Jackson, and minus the creepy kid touching and propofol stuff which is super not neat. By that I mean the Spirit Bear is actually a black bear but presents with white fur. (For the record Michael Jackson is generally not neat.) Kermode bears are NOT albino, their nose, eyes, lips, and paws are dark colored. 

Spirit bears carry a double recessive mutation at the melanocortin gene, the same gene associated with ginger-ism (yes it's a disorder) in humans. To be born white, a bear needs to inherit the mutation from both parents. Both parents can be black but each carry one copy of the recessive gene to create a white baby. In the rainforests of coastal British Columbia spirit bears and regular black bears live in harmony and spirit bears are a great mixture of both white and black bear cultures. That's pretty neat. I bet if a brown bear came to hang out and in coastal BC they'd be like, "Hey you brown bear, you're different from us and you look weird but that's cool, let's go get some smoothies." Someone should inform the Donald of the spirit bear. 

Scientists believe the gene mutation was a result of the last ice age and bears adapting to better camouflage. But why hasn't the trait disappeared in the last 11,000 years? Researchers have recently found that the spirit bear's white fur gives them an advantage when fishing. Although white and black bears tend to have the same success rate after dark during the day spirit bears catch salmon in 1 out of 3 attempts while their black counterparts catch them in 1 out of 4 attempts. 

The spirit bear's ability to catch more salmon, their primary fat and protein source, may account for one reason the recessive gene has prevailed since their able to raise more healthy offspring is increased. In addition, local tribes have also resisted hunting the spirit bear throughout the millennia due to their sacred nature and availability of other sources of fur and meat.  

Geedanggit I want to see a spirit bear! According to Native American folklore, the spirit bear is a reminder of times past and the hardships during the ice age and is a symbol of peace and harmony.  Have a neat week and please channel the neatness of the holy spirit bear.  

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